Mechanical creep frame

This form is to track the tensile/compressive mechanical test results of a creep frame at AIMPF.

generalInformation: object
operationId: operationId
dateOfOperation: date
duration: nonnegative
operator: name
notes: note
experimentalInformation: object
equipmentSettings: object
testType: string , x ∈ { Tensile creep , Compressive creep }
loadFrame1: string , x ∈ { From Bunger Henry, Creep Frame I , From Bunger Henry, Creep Frame II , From Bunger Henry, Creep Frame III , From Bunger Henry, Creep Frame IV }
loadFrame2: string , x ∈ { From Bunger Henry, Compressive Creep I , From Bunger Henry, Compressive Creep II }
loadCellCapacity: number
loadControl: string
initialLoad: number
strainMeasurement: string , x ∈ { Digital image correlation (DIC) , Laser extensometer , Mechanical extensometer }
strainMeasurementDetails: string
temperatureControl: string , x ∈ { Ambient temperature , Controlled temperature }
temperatureControlEquipment: string , x ∈ { Clamshell furnace , Induction coil }
temperature: number
samples: object
width: number
thickness: number
gaugeLength: number
fixtureSeparation: number
material: string


date: string (date)

name: string

First and last name

nonnegative: number , { x ∈ ℝ | x ≥ 0 }

note: string (textarea)

operationId: string
